Intensive Acting Course

Intensive Acting Course 

All classes in english.

– Learn exercises to free the body and voice from restrictive habits and use this freedom to awaken it’s potential when applied to dramatic texts.
– Use exercises to help explore and connect with the text, develop character, relationships, and dramatic conflict.
– To develop performance skills thorough on-going practical application, tutor and peer feedback.



Daily body & voice into text workouts:
– Releasing unnecessary physical and mental tensions in relation to body & voice use.
– Encouraging links between the voice and the whole body. – Building the relationship to others and to the performance space. – Developing listening skills and spontaneity.
– Extending the vocal range. – Exploring the physical and emotional content of words and text.

Text inquiry & ownership: looking at the text structure
– Explorations of words; emotional content of vowels and consonant and how these reveal meaning.
– Exercise for deeper ownership of words. – Exploration of the texts rhythms and how they reveal the sense.
– Exploring subtext.
– Introduction to ‘key wording’, ( enabling the actor to work with text without having a script in the hand).

Relationship and conflict:

– Developing listening skills.
– Exercise to develop connection with other actors.